This game was made to be played with keyboard.
Field Controls
W or ↑ | Move forward |
AD or ←→ | Turn either direction |
S or ↓ | Turn around |
TAB | Open Manual |
Battle Controls
WASD/Arrows | Left Joystick | Command Selection |
Enter | A | Command Comfirm |
Backspace | B | Command Cancel / Undo |
TAB to open your manual, which will reveal more details about combat, the environment, and strategies for success.
Your goal is to find the exit rift of any given labyrinth and to get through as many labyrinths and possible. The exit rift looks like a spinning portal emanating a blue light.
Entering the goal rift will fully heal the party and rest some of the protagonist's SP.
You will be exploring randomly generated mazes to venture as far as you can before you are defeated. Along your travels, you will encounter plenty of helpful tools to aid your journey.
Every explorer is equipped with their trusty manual, and you are no exception. Pressing tab at any time in the game will open your manual. This guide book will contain helpful tips and descriptions to help you make sense of the world you find yourself in.
Along with the giant goal rift that allows you to enter to the next realm, there are three smaller rifts that will aid you. Green rifts will heal your party a little. Blue will restore your party's stamina a little. Orange rifts will offer you new equipment. You can interact with these rifts by walking toward them.
Through out your travels, you will come across orange rifts. Approaching and interacting with it will grant you an opportunity to swap out your current equipment for something new and possibly better. Equipment come in all forms and grant you new stats, spells, and affinities. Cycling equipment is key to surviving as many realms as possible.
Venturing around a maze for long enough will attract creatures to your location. Your danger gauge will rise from blue, to green, to yellow, to red, indicating how close you are to an encounter. Once creatures have appeared it is important to understand how to master this combat system.
Every creature has affinities that they are susceptible to and those that they aren't. These are a creature's resistances and weaknesses. In order to be successful in combat, you must be able to identify a creature's weakness and exploit it to end the conflict as fast as possible.
At the start of your turn, each enemy will roll dice. These dice indicate a creatures posture and how prepared it is for it's next attack. This can be exploited as well to gain the upper hand. Striking an enemy with lower it's dice value by one point, and striking their weakness will lower it by 3. If an enemy's dice have been eradicated, they will become staggered, receiving extra damage on further attack this turn and will be forced to forfeit their retaliation attack. While striking bursting enemies down is an effective tactic, it also pays to be smart.
Occasionally after battle, a defeated creature would like to join your team and you'll be provided a selection of two choices. Either you forfeit some of your health and give up on a creature already in your party. It is recommended that you switch out your party members as often as possible as recruited creatures can not regenerate SP unlike the protagonist. The choice is ultimately yours.
That should do in regards to the game. Thank you for reading and playing and I hope you have a lot of fun! :)
Music by Darren Curtis available at: https://www.darrencurtismusic.com/
Install instructions
Windows Executable:
After downloading and extracting the windows download files, the game should run upon launching the executable file found within. Take care to not dislocate any of files in the folder.
WebGL on local machine:
Ensure you have Python v3 installed and added to PATH. After extracting the files, open the root folder containing the index.html file in the terminal. Enter the command `python -m http.server` without the two ` (python3 -m http.server for mac). Once this has been done, open Google Chrome (Edge and Firefox may work as well) and go to localhost:8000.
Development log
- Cryptemental Ver 2.0 Released!Aug 05, 2024
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Very lovely game! feel a cool persona 1 vibe from it. wish it had music, still tho, a very nice game!
I do have licensed music I've purchased that could've fit but I wasn't sure if I should include it as it was out of the jam's ruleset. Definitely up for consideration outside of the judging period. Thanks for playing!